In the picturesque coastal town of Deal, our Centre offers complementary therapies such as Reiki and energy healing as well spiritual and personal development workshops. Our community thrives through sharing love, light and harmony and encouraging free-thinking and friendship.
It is the aim of the Centre and its committee to prove the continuation of spirit after death. As a result, we focus on continuing the work of the original founders in providing the best possible facilities for spiritual communication to take place in the mental, psychic and physical forms by demonstrations of mediumship, various forms of Reiki and energy healing (formerly known as spiritual healing) and physical/spiritual phenomena.
The officers and committee are there to ensure the facilities are fit for purpose, safe and secure and that all people who come into the Centre, no matter what their current religious faith, are made welcome in both love and friendship.
The Centre is open to everyone who wishes to attend to witness the communication of the spirit and physical, receive energy healing or enhance their own understanding of the spirit world.
The Centre was founded in 1952 and was built for the purpose of providing a building when communication between the world of the spirit and the world of the physical could take place. There was also the intention by the founders that this communication would enhance the physical, spiritual, moral and religious outlook of all those who would attend the Centre.
A committee of ten people are responsible for the day to day running of the centre, each member having their specific job(s) to do. Please find out about each member in the gallery to the right.
All those who work as members of the committee and at the Tuesday Healing Clinic – do so as volunteers and the Centre greatly appreciates the time they give and the work they do. They are all qualified and insured (where appropriate) in their field of expertise. Some choose to run workshops and private healing/therapy sessions hiring the Centre, as independent tutors and therapists.
Hover over the image or click on it to find out each staff member's name, roles and responsibilities.

- President - Healing Clinic Leader - Tibetan & Usui Reiki Master/Tutor - Energy Healer / Energy Healing Tutor - Meditation Leader

- Vice-President - Tibetan & Usui Reiki Master/Tutor - Energy Healer - Meditation Instructor - Personal Development & Self Awareness Tutor - Past Life Regression Therapist - P.R. & Admin - Fundraising Team Member

- Fundraising Team Member - Communications Secretary

- President - Healing Clinic Leader - Tibetan & Usui Reiki Master/Tutor - Energy Healer / Energy Healing Tutor - Meditation Leader